Detoxification and its connection to dentistry

After trying many weight management techniques and not having any success, I was introduced to a detoxification program. I was blown away by how comprehensive and scientific the program was. But there were easy steps to follow and I didn't feel starved. The director is a holistic nutritional doctor with a simple message: keep harmful elements out of your body. As you may know by now my number one enemy is sugar, followed by alcohol, tobacoo and processed food. She also forbids any canned food when possible and cooking over aluminum foil is a big nono as well.
I admit that I have not been perfect in following these rules and I hope that I will not go back to an unhealthy lifestyle, but for the time being, I will try to be mindful as much as I can and also spread the word.If you are interested to learn more about my new challenge drop me an email, drfarahbod@yahoo.com . I will try my best to reply to as many as I can. For the mean time remember, NO SODA, NO CANDY and NO SUGAR
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