Dental insurance plans/ PPO , DMO (HMO) and other options

You get a brand new job and you complete your probationary period, it is time to choose the insurance plan best suited for your family. You get a booklet or a web address to make your selection,but it is all too confusing.
I will try to help clarify some of these questions in this blog. the most common type of private dental insurance are PPO and DMO (DENTAL HMO).
DMO plans usually assign you to a dental office as your primary dentist. It is to your best interst to obtain a current list of contracted dentists and chose one that works best for your family. If you decide to change your primary dentist you should inform the provider and they will switch you. This may take a few days up to the start of the fooloowing month. Most referals to specialsts have to come from your primary dentist and be approved by the insurance company. you recieve a fee schedule that shows your copay for each procedures.
PPO plans give you an annual maximum and a breakdown of benefits. You can switch to another dentist as you wish. you can visit any specialist that accepts your plan. referrals are still recommended . Most plans pay %100 of your preventive services ; that includes ,check up , cleaning and sealants for children. other services have a copay that varies from one plan to next.
Before siging up for a dental plan, consult with your family dentst to find out which one fits you best.
We in westminster family dentistry are contracted with some the finest PPO dental plan provides. We have planned on adding some of the DMO plans in the future. If you have any more questions regarding dental insurance please call us at (714)893-1356
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